Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Hel's womb in the earth ..."

"Hel was the Nordic Crone Goddess of the Afterlife whose abode was Niflheim. As Queen of the Underworld, it was said that she received the spirits of the dead, housing them in the elder tree until it was time for them to be reborn. In Denmark, she was worshipped as Hyldemoer, that is, Elder Mother. She was also seen as the Mountain Mother, dwelling in the earth where fire and ice meet. According to an Icelandic creation myth, in the beginning only a great chasm existed, called Ginnungagap, which was the opening to Hel's womb in the earth. On one side were the fiery volcanoes and on the other side, the ice and waters." In reference to the painting "Hel" by Sandra M. Stanton.

I've been a big fan of Ms. Stanton's work for a few years now ... beautiful Goddess images from every culture. Her full color prints are very reasonably priced and truly inspired. Highly recommended!

The Goddess In World Mythology

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